Looking through the E.Y.E.s of our youngest learners.

Hosted by Taipei American School

February 25th-March 12th 2023

The Early Years Exchange (E.Y.E) is more than a conference, it is a gathering of early years educators sharing, learning from, and inspiring one another. We believe some of the best professional development comes from our peers who share our passion. We invite educators working with children between ages 3-8 to join us! Come and be a voice in this exchange so we can all better understand learning through the E.Y.E.’s of our youngest learners.

This year our event’s themes are Social and Emotional Learning, Wellness, and DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice). We are also very excited to introduce a new Mandarin Strand! 

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Stephanie M. Jones

Gerald S. Lesser Professor of Child Development and Education

Harvard Graduate School of Education


The Science and Practice of Social and Emotional Learning in Early Childhood

Featured Speaker:

Dr. Sherry Fu 傅思穎博士

Speech-Language Pathologist

Taipei American School

Assistant Professor in Speech and Language development

Mackay Medical College


Behind the mask: What have we missed?


*This workshop will be offered in both English and Mandarin


中文分享平台 Mandarin Strand

Early Years Exchange非常開心能在今年開創一個新的中文分享平台,希望藉此帶來更多以中文為主的幼兒教學法。請點擊下方,一同來認識我們這次的演講者吧!

Early Years Exchange非常开心能在今年开创一个新的中文分享平台,希望借此带来更多以中文为主的幼儿教学法。请点击下方,一同来认识我们这次的演讲者吧!

This year the Early Years Exchange is excited to launch a Mandarin Strand! This strand aims to bring together best practices in Mandarin language teaching and learning in early childhood. Please click below to learn more about our presenters.

Follow the conversation at #EYEx23

Featured Speaker:

Anthony Kelley


Breathing, Yoga, and Meditation: Mindful living & Youth Development