Karen Wang

Rachel Wang

Tracey Hsueh

K-5 Mandarin Teachers

Taipei American School

Karen Wang 於 2014 年加入台北美國學校,並於 2018 年開始擔任 K-5 中文老師。在取得英屬哥倫比亞大學的科技教育碩士學位後,Karen 將其「設計與製作」理念融入語言教學當中。她喜歡在語言課堂中探索和運用各種教學方法​​,並讓學生經由觀察與體驗日常生活中的需求或問題, 找出解決方案。這培養了學生的好奇心,也使學生能夠藉由課堂活動體驗到學習與生活是密不可分的。

Karen Wang 于 2014 年加入台北美国学校,并于 2018 年开始担任 K-5 中文老师。在取得英属哥伦比亚大学的科技教育硕士学位后,Karen 将其「设计与制作」理念融入语言教学当中。她喜欢在语言课堂中探索和运用各种教学方法​​,并让学生经由观察与体验日常生活中的需求或问题, 找出解决方案。这培养了学生的好奇心,也使学生能够藉由课堂活动体验到学习与生活是密不可分的。

Karen Wang joined Taipei American School in 2014, starting as a Lower School K-5 Mandarin teacher in 2018. She has a Master’s in Education Technology from British Columbia University and uses the knowledge from this while building on it to inform her lesson approaches. She has always enjoyed exploring and implementing various teaching approaches in the Mandarin classroom, which has led to an inquiry-based educational environment. This fosters students’ curiosity, as using STEAM-based problem-solution tasks enables students to make connections between classroom activities and real-life experiences.


Rachel于2011年加入台北美国学校,并于2017担任小学中文教师一职。 Rachel拥有美国宾夕尼亚大学的TESOL硕士学位,以及台北市立大学幼儿教育学系之学士学位,并取得台湾合格幼稚园教师证照。 Rachel致力于成为一位注重幼儿适性发展的语言教学老师。为了创造更丰富多元的语言学习环境,Rachel喜欢与同事共同设计课程,一同教学,一起成长。 Rachel目前攻读高雄师范大学华语文教学博士班。曾于台北美国学校华语读写研讨会分享教学心得,以及于第六届国际汉语教学研讨会暨工作坊发表汉字教学研究。

Rachel Wang joined Taipei American School in 2011, starting as K-5 Mandarin in 2017. Rachel received her MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from the University of Pennsylvania; her BA in Early Childhood Education from the University of Taipei, and she is certified as a kindergarten teacher. Rachel has aimed to grow as a versatile language instructor focusing on early childhood development. She also enjoyed co-teaching with her colleagues to create a lively learning environment with more language models. Rachel is currently studying for her doctorate in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at the National Kaohsiung Normal University. She has presented at the Chinese Literacy Symposium and the Sixth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.

Tracy Hsueh 薛老師自 2019 年起在台北美國學校擔任中文教師。她在賓洲大學獲得了英語教學碩士學位。在加入 TAS 之前,她在 ESL 領域大約10年以上的時間,在美國及台灣擔任教務主任的工作,在她的職業生涯中,除了教學以外,她也負責設計符合不同背景和年齡的學生需求的課程。她很享受創造有趣和多樣化的課堂活動計課程,以幫助不同學習風格的學生都能發揮最大的學習效果。

Tracy Hsueh 薛老师自 2019 年起在台北美国学校担任中文教师。她在宾洲大学获得了英语教学硕士学位。在加入 TAS 之前,她在 ESL 领域大约10年以上的时间,在美国及台湾担任教务主任的工作,在她的职业生涯中,除了教学以外,她也负责设计符合不同背景和年龄的学生需求的课程。她很享受创造有趣和多样化的课堂活动计课程,以帮助不同学习风格的学生都能发挥最大的学习效果。

Tracy Hsueh has been a Mandarin teacher at Taipei American School since 2019. She obtained her Master’s degree in Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from the University of Pennsylvania. She has spent ten years of her career in the ESL field teaching and designing curriculum tailored to students’ needs from various backgrounds and ages in both the United States and Taiwan before joining TAS. She enjoys seeking, locating, and incorporating a variety of resources and learning strategies, guiding students to not only learn about the knowledge of language but also apply it in daily scenarios.


Co-teach an Integrated Theme-based Curriculum through the Lens of Multiple Intelligences

語言老師們只能專注於語言教學嗎?面對幼兒園的學生,還有什麼是可以列入考量,讓課程更全面並且顧及到孩子們的心智發展呢? 引導幼兒園的學生時,我們需要考慮他們的社交和認知發展,所以老師們在課室內對於學生的觀察極為關鍵。本講座將介紹如何融入多元智能的理論於語言課程及課程設計當中,讓每個學生都能自在的享受語言學習。我們期待可以為老師們和學生打造更加靈活多樣的語言學習體驗!

语言老师们只能专注于语言教学吗?面对幼儿园的学生,还有什么是可以列入考量,让课程更全面并且顾及到孩子们的心智发展呢? 引导幼儿园的学生时,我们需要考虑他们的社交和认知发展,所以老师们在课室内对于学生的观察极为关键。本讲座将介绍如何融入多元智能的理论于语言课程及课程设计当中,让每个学生都能自在的享受语言学习。我们期待可以为老师们和学生打造更加灵活多样的语言学习体验!

Should language teachers only focus on teaching the target language? Are there other aspects we need to focus on that will enhance younger learners’ development? When working with younger learners, we need to consider their social and cognitive development, which will lead to structuring classes based on classroom observations. This presentation will focus on how to incorporate the theory of multiple intelligences tailored to students’ perceived strengths in a language class. In addition, we will briefly discuss how to design activities considering multiple intelligences that highlight individuality so every student can enjoy learning and shine. Let’s make this language learning experience more versatile and hands-on for both the teachers and students!